In this series, I was interested in recruiting (via AI) some of the world's best photographers in the ongoing struggle to save the world's most endangered species. There are two parts: 1, nine images of already extinct animals with the year of their removal from this earth; and 2. nine images of almost extinct animals and their estimated populations. Each AI generated "studio portrait" is intended to remind us of the species was/is a sentinel being.
Look into their eyes and feel nothing - do nothing...
This series came about almost immediately after publishing the series on biodiversity loss. As obvious as it may be, we always seem to put biodiversity loss in terms of our human centric concern. But, the reality is that long before it affects us, the loss of habitat (due to our human activities, be that hunting or changing the land use) is often the principle cause of a species' sad demise. The more this environmental artwork has evolved, the more I come to re-appreciate (as if I had strangely forgotten at some point) the circularity of our planets fragile ecosystems. These images were generated by the AI technology - DALL-E, and therefore, all single images here are under creative commons license. The combined images (9x9) I will maintain copyright as an artist's assemblage.

Pyrenean Ibex (RIP:2000), Bruce Davison

Bali Tiger (RIP:1950), Annie Leibovitz

Sicilian Wolf (RIP:1924), Ansell Adams

Heath Hen (RIP:1933), Miles Aldridge

Golden Frog (RIP:1989), Andy Warhol

Paradise Parrot (RIP:1927), Mario Testino

Baiji White Dolphin (RIP:2002), Paul Nicklen

Tasmanian Tiger (RIP:1930), Brad Wilson

Caribbean Monk Seal (RIP:1952), Yousuf Karsh

Tapanuli Orangutan (Pop. 1000), Diane Arbus

Sunda Island Tiger (Pop. 400), Annie Leibovitz

Mountain Gorilla (Pop. 1004), Steve McCurry

Yangtze Finless Porpoise (Pop. 1000), Matty Smith

Hawksbill Turtle (Pop. 8000), William Eggleston

African Forest Elephant (Pop. 50,000), Anne Geddis

Javan Rhino (Pop. 76), Omar Victor Diop

Amur Leopard (Pop. 57), Peter Lindburg

Black Rhino (Pop. 6,197), Irving Penn