In this series I was interested in exploring the contradicting realities around freshwater sources, availability/scarcity and use. Man's modification of the earth's water cycle has according to many scientists pushed it beyond a safe operating space for continued life. This water cycle includes lakes, rivers and groundwater, but this cycle also includes rainfall, soil moisture and evaporation — so-called “green water”. Earlier in 2022, the Stockholm Resilience Centre believe that we have “considerably transgressed” the freshwater cycle boundary for sustainable use. They say, that “Green water modifications are now causing rising Earth system risks at a scale that modern civilizations might not have ever faced”. We all must do what we can to put a stop to this worsening situation. Above all, what this environmental collection has taught me, is just how intricately entangled are all the issues areas that I have been exploring... In order words, there are many interlinked paths to both irrecoverable damage or sustainable use of our precious Earth's ecosystems. Our species survival depends on choosing the right path, i.e. the best policies and action.